Friday, 1 June 2012

Business and Pleasure

Popped over to Clitheroe yesterday with more stock for the Platform Gallery shop – bookmarks and framed pieces. I always love visiting this gallery, I think it’s my favourite – for the place, the people and the crafts. So, it was a huge relief to see that the recent changes to bring in a Visitor Info section haven’t spoilt it. A little less space, but longer opening hours and maybe more people will venture in?


Business (!) over, time for a treat - the Lancs and Yorks Crafts Open exhibition. I’ve been in this the last three years, but didn’t apply this time as it was earlier than usual and clashed with other things. Wow, it’s stunning! So much wonderful textile art in particular, I probably wouldn’t have got in anyway.

I made notes and tried to look up some of the artists when I got home, but surprised to find most don’t seem to have any web presence... shame.

Some of the best – Katharine Owen’s layered constructions in Perspex boxes, Alice Fox’s nicely understated print/stitch “Green Wall” series, Clare Lane’s digital prints with embroidered infill. Also Chris Cannon – “Groynes”, paper laminating and hand stitch hanging; Paula Bishop – large framed pieces in shades of white constructed from found textiles and paper; Stewart Kelly – Life Lines I, subtle monoprint and machine embroidery. I wish these artists had websites or at least blogs to show you!

Well worth a 30 mile drive in torrential rain – highly recommended if you’re within reach, it’s on until 14th July.

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