Week 45: Waterfalls
(Photo of Cotter Force, Wensleydale)
Three layers of black felt with Tencel fibres embellished over.
Week 46: Moss-festooned trees
(Photo of mossy woods in Glen Orchy)
Wool yarn embellished onto brown felt branch, with trailing ends. Branch then embellished onto suiting fabric.
Week 47: Colourfully banded fungus
(Photo of polypore fungi)
Free machined straight stitch on muslin stretched in a hoop.
Week 48: Elgol five ships legend
(Photo of Elgol, Skye)
According to legend, the name Elgol derives from a sea battle fought by the Picts and Scots against the five ships of Aella, a lieutenant of Vortigern (5thC ruler of southern Britain).
Ship outlines free machined on hand dyed calico.