Monday, 29 February 2016

Samples 2016: Week 8, Filigree/Rainbow

I just had to get rid of the background fabric for this theme! (any excuse?) And I fancied criss-crossing spirally curlicues.

So my first thought, as usual, was free machine embroidery on dissolvable fabric. But I soon realised that was going to take far too much stitching to make it stay together. So I settled on Lutradur, a heat sensitive synthetic fabric.

It might've helped to draw out a design first, but I just improvised with each colour in turn - fun bright rainbow colours rather than subtle realistic ones. For speed it's just straight stitch, four times over each line. 

Finally I melted out the design using a fine-tipped heat tool (like a soldering iron).

1 comment:

Emma said...

Lovely lot of samples recently, colorful but I like the bronze one, too ;)